Sunday, January 29, 2012


I did a lot of cooking and eating today. Yang Chow Fried Rice is one of my daughter's favorite dishes. I have to say also, modesty aside, that this is one of the dishes that I can do well. But yes, there's a lot of preparation as there are several ingredients that need to be minced, sliced, saute.

My daughter had hers with fried chicken but I had mine with tanigue.

Our glasses need some fixing so headed to the nearby mall to have them polished. Our glasses look spanking new.

We dropped by Goldilocks and bought myself 2 slices of egg pie. Yes I miss egg pie. One of these days I will learn how to do this.

Notice that I keep on using red paper plates today. Haha. I just want to. :)

Well, the highlight of the day is our 15th wedding anniversary. My husband bought me a cake. Oh my. Diet, diet, diet. We're supposed to have our dinner but he has to work so we'll have it next week.